Even though we have been promised many times by President Biff Williams and Dave Clark, Chair of DSU Board of Trustees, that they have NO PLANS TO CHANGE THE NAME AT DSU, they did exactly the opposite today at their meeting.
See video of Dave Clark’s speech in September 2020 shown at 6:40 mark here of him telling the crowd at the Burn’s Arena during the State of the University address that they do not plan to change the name.
Cicero Group was hired by DSU for $98,500+ to conduct a survey asking if the word Dixie is hurting the school. Cicero Group representatives presented their survey results to the Board of Trustees via an internet meeting today. Cicero Group made a recommendation to the Trustees to remove the word Dixie today because the survey results show the name hinders DSU students, hinders the University and hinders the ability for DSU to recruit. We know these allegations are not true. If you see the questions on the survey and the way the questions are asked, it is clearly biased.

Pres. Biff Williams then made the recommendation following Cicero’s presentation to ask the members of the Board of Trustees to vote to remove the Dixie name. They did not offer up a new name today.
The Dixie State University Board of Trustees voted this afternoon to officially change the name of DSU, removing the word Dixie. You can see in the photos who voted to change the school’s name.
The Cicero full report is supposed to be available tomorrow, we will send you that information.
The next step for the name change is for the Board of Higher Education to vote. If that vote is approved, it will go to the Legislature in January. A legislator from any area can write the bill, the legislature would need to have a majority vote to approve the name change.
How can you help?
1. We now focus on getting everyone to email commissioner@ushe.edu AND/OR call 801-646-4756 the BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION to ask:
a. NOT to approve the removal of the Dixie name.
b. Not to forward this issue to the Utah State Legislature in January for a formal vote.
c. Tell them you want the Dixie name to remain at Dixie State.
2. Contact EVERY legislator in the State of Utah, ask them to VOTE AGAINST a name change for DSU. We will send you all email addresses soon. Since every legislator will vote, we must include all members of the legislature, not just our local representatives.
a. We also ask that you contact all of your friends, family & neighbors and ask them to contact their own local legislators THROUGHOUT THE STATE to ask them to vote against a name change at Dixie State if the bill goes before the next legislative session in January 2021.
PLEASE SHARE this with everyone you can. We you can also share this via a link on our website on your social media channels!