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STUDENTS AT DIXIE STATE UNIVERSITY have reached out to our group and asked for our support at their rally on:
11:30 AM
Meet the students at 300 South 700 East across from DSU
They told us the purpose of their RALLY is to protest the name change at Dixie State University!
We think they decided to call the rally “DARE TO BE DIXIE!”
The students told us they were blindsided by coming back to school to find out that their school’s name had been changed. They could not believe that they were sent home for the Christmas holidays and 3 days later Pres. Williams met with a powerful group and set the name change in motion.
The students do not want to see the school’s name changed and they are very upset about this. We have explained to the students organizing this rally that the name still has to be voted on by the legislature and that our group and the entire community and Dixie alumni are trying our best to stop this. We are asking them to write to the legislators too.
They tell us that Dixie State should just remain DIXIE STATE!
We believe we should support the DSU students who asked us to show up for them. They are simply asking people who are able at any age, and willing to be there to STAND WITH THEM.
They hope by doing this their message will make it to the legislature to send a message that they want the Dixie name to stay. They said they are working out details and trying to make some signs for people to hold or you could make your own. They have asked the community to invite civic groups, clubs, friends and neighbors to come and support the students who are willing to take a stand. They do not know how to make contact will all of these groups, so please help them out. Classes at Dixie State start on January 11, so they selected this day to take a stand against the name change.
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How can you help SAVE DIXIE?
1. We now focus on getting everyone to contact the EVERY legislator in the State of Utah, ask them to VOTE AGAINST a name change for DSU.
Since every legislator will vote, we must include all members of the legislature, not just our local representatives.
a. We also ask that you contact all of your friends, family & neighbors and ask them to contact their own local legislators THROUGHOUT THE STATE to ask them to vote against a name change at Dixie State if the bill goes before the next legislative session in January 2021.
PLEASE SHARE this with everyone you can. We you can also share this via a link on our website on your social media channels!