Help us represent UTAH'S DIXIE on Tuesday Aug. 4 @ 5:45pm at the Washington City Rec. Center.
Wear your Dixie Shirt, bring a sign, and march with us in the parade!
Click the button below for the latest and current updates on our Facebook Event page or Click Here for the download.
DSUHC has been formed by concerned citizens of the Southwestern part of the state of Utah to address some of the most extreme and egregious assaults on our nation and our communities that we have seen in our lifetimes.
Be informed of local issues, current happenings, and other crucial events that we're taking to help defend our Utah's Dixie.
We support freedom of expression, including by those with whom we do not agree, and commit to always protect their right to freedom of expression.
Come together as our founders to unite.
Support those who will stand for what's right.
Do what it takes to exercise our freedoms.
We will stand firm, to do whatever we can to keep our part of the nation affectionately known by us as “Utah’s Dixie” from being affected by the spill – over of such commotion, or even worse, becoming subjugated to the forces that would forever change our lives, our liberty and our pursuit of an existence that our ancestors fought so hard to create – a legacy they have turned over to us to maintain and further refine for our children and future generations.
Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved. Defending Southwestern Utah Heritage Coalition